Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Treazon Dancer of The Month - Brian Henninger

Raw Talent, Drive, Determination, and a dream to be bigger then what was expected, is this dancer's "REAZON for TREAZON". This Buck County, Philadelphia native, moved to the Big Apple with nothing but a dream and an undeniable focus to learn and grow as a person and a dancer. Competing in nationally in martial arts, he knew that having discipline and a strong work ethic would make even the impossible, very possible. Everyone who's known Brian for along time can vouch for me when I say that this young man's growth has been nothing less then remarkable. Learning from BDC (Broadway Dance Center) to LA's Millennium, Brian expressed that he owes allot of his growth to choreographers like Angel Feliciano, Kelly Peters, Jamie J and especially to one of New York's elite choreographers LUAM, " I owe allot of what I know to her because she would sit with me and look at footage from class and give me ideas on what I need to work on, she really helped me". Dancing with a numerous amount of emerging artist like, Jay Saint, Yoodee Frances, ME, and countless others, Brian is never satisfied with his success or growth.."Even when I'm set and at the point of my life when I know I've "made it", I'm still going to learn and still take classes, as a dancer you can never learn enough". Working with Brian I've learned that there is a way to get  through the impossible. So without further ado. I am honored to call Brian Henninger my close friend and this month's Reazon for Treazon Dancer. You are truly inspiring everyone "For no good Reazon". Keep it up B!!

Brian's favorite Quote: Life is an Occasion...Rise to IT!!!

His first class taught in NYC..

And Now...

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